SGR Engineering Ltd
Registered Office: Meon House,
Rear of 189 Portswood Rd,
Southampton, SO17 2NF

Welcome to SGR Engineering Ltd - personalised email addresses

About Emailname

EmailName from SGR Engineering limited aims to provide full service personalised email accounts for individuals and small businesses who do not yet require a website.

We have found that many people feel tied to their dialup or broadband supplier or often have hard to remember email addresses due to using one of the mass email companies - meaning your chosen name simply isn't available.

There are other companies that offer email addresses, but not all of them offer the personalised service that we do, and some even expect you to SEND mail using a different mail server.

As a part of SGR Engineering Ltd, emailname continues to provide high quality email packages, with the added advantage of easy conversion to full website hosting and web development services.


Access email from any internet connected device, anywhere in the world.

Login to your webmail by clicking here.

Address Check

After 18 years, Emailname ceased offering email only packages in 2024.

© SGR Engineering Ltd. Tuesday 22 October 2024