SGR Engineering Ltd
Registered Office: Meon House,
Rear of 189 Portswood Rd,
Southampton, SO17 2NF

Welcome to SGR Engineering Ltd - personalised email addresses

Personalised Email addresses

Have you got a problem email address?

  • Have you got a hard to remember email address -
  • Do you feel tied to your dialup or broadband supplier because your email address was supplied by them?
  • Do you want a truly personal email address?

We have the answer :-

  • You choose your OWN personal email address, we provide the email account(s).
  • Multiple addresses within the same domain for families and small businesses.
  • Never change your email address again, you can shop around for the best deal on broadband, using your new address with ANY supplier.


Access email from any internet connected device, anywhere in the world.

Login to your webmail by clicking here.

Address Check

After 18 years, Emailname ceased offering email only packages in 2024.

© SGR Engineering Ltd. Saturday 27 July 2024